
Skills Gain provides focused training on high priority skill areas for employees in New Brunswick. Training needs are identified through optional individual assessments, then specific training which targets the deficient areas is offered to the employees.This course includes 5 core modules, focusing on skills integral to the profile of a competent worker in any industry:

Module 1 – Customer Service

Participants will be able to implement methods of maintaining professionalism in all facets of customer service, explain the differences between requests, comments, and complaints, and address and solve customer complaints.

Module 2 – Interpersonal Skills

Participants will be able to identify various roles and responsibilities of team members, and practice behaviors that show commitment to being part of a team. They will also provide feedback, practice being assertive, and manage conflict in a customer service setting.

Module 3 – Professionalism

Participants will learn to display self-esteem and confidence and be able to describe “respect for others”. They will be able to explain guidelines for professional behavior and identify how to take initiative.

Module 4 – Communication

Participants will strengthen written communication skills, recognize non-verbal communication, and refine communication technology use. They will improve customer communication skills and learn how to communicate effectively in resolving conflict.

Module 5 – Thinking Skills

Participants will learn to apply critical thinking strategies, implement decision making procedures, practice problem solving methods, and use logic.

Skills Gain (Online)

  • January 1, 2023 - January 8, 2024
  • Online - En ligne